Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Have a Sinking Feeling About This

Last Post- 15th August

Got back from a trip near the Cradle of Civilization. Went with Junior to a dig. It is nice to be in the in that part of world without having to shoot at or be shot at on a daily basis.

Junior got woke up early in the a.m. and seemed a bit peckish about it all. He received a call from an acquaintance of his Buffy while another Cheney showed up on his doorstep. Apparently it had something to do with Junior's work. We made our way there where we hooked up with Buffy. So as I understand it, part of Junior's work, The Warehouse was being attacked by Team Jacob (corrupted? Cheney buds) and some Caspers.

The interlopers barricaded the elvator shafts and stairways so by the time we made it to The Warehouse it was being "looted". On the way down we ran into a Goth Casper and Cheney charmed him to "help" us. We were late in stopping the raiders. In the middle of the vault was a Casper of the Fat Bastard variety was going like Kirstie Alley on a stack of glazed donuts. We were a going Weight Wathcers on Fat Bastard when we were joined by a buddy of Buffy's another member of Team Edward maybe.

Junior went a bit barmy and tried to punch big holes in Fat Bastard and took himself out of the fight. We ran off the Team Edward reject but Fat Bastard had done a bit of structural damage to The Warehouse. Goth ended up kicking FB's butt and we had to flee before we were buried in the rubble. Unfortunately Junior had the elevator key and the stairs were sealed off. Cheney jimmied the elevator doors and we were fixing to climb out when HRG and MiB showed up. They helped extract us out.

As they left in the whirly bird HRG tossed in a party favor down the collapsing building and voila instant sink hole.

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